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Epidemiologia delle mastiti: indagini in campo



1. Zecconi, A. and M. Cipolla, Mastiti e bovine da latte: l’impatto sulla sostenibilità aziendale. La Settimana Veterinaria, 2023(1305): p. 29-33.

2. ADAS, Study to Model the Impact of Controlling Endemic Cattle Diseases and Conditions on National Cattle Productivity, Agricultural Performance and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Final Report to Defra/ AHVLA on Project FFG1016. (No. AC0120). 2015, DEFRA: Wolverhampton, England. p. 210.

3. Dallago, G.M., et al., Keeping Dairy Cows for Longer: A Critical Literature Review on Dairy Cow Longevity in High Milk-Producing Countries. Animals, 2021. 11(3): p. 808.

4. Tsuruta, S., I. Misztal, and T.J. Lawlor, Changing definition of productive life in US Holsteins: effect on genetic correlations. J Dairy Sci, 2005. 88(3): p. 1156-65.

5. Hristov, A.N., et al., SPECIAL TOPICS — Mitigation of methane and nitrous oxide emissions from animal operations: III. A review of animal management mitigation options1. Journal of Animal Science, 2013. 91(11): p. 5095-5113.

6. Puerto, M.A., et al., The hidden cost of disease: I. Impact of the first incidence of mastitis on production and economic indicators of primiparous dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 2021. 104(7): p. 7932-7943.

7. Kulkarni, P.S., et al., Dutch dairy farmers’ perspectives on culling reasons and strategies. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 2023. 218: p. 105997.

8. Zecconi, A. and M. Cipolla, La corretta gestione della sanità della mammella per un prudente uso degli antibiotici : i costi della mastite non riguardano solo il latte perso. Summa animali da reddito, 2019. 14(2): p. 5-18.

9. Ferguson, J.D. and D.T. Galligan, An Economic Approach to Reproductive Programs in Dairy Herds, in Western Canadian Dairy Seminar. 1995: Alberta (CAN).

10. Overton, M. and S. Eicker. Optimizing the Quality and Quantity of Replacement Heifers. in 45th ADSA Discover Conference Dairy Cattle Lifespan: New Perspectives. 2023. Itasca, Illinois (USA): ADSA Champain IL (USA).

11. Abuelo, A., F. Cullens, and J.L. Brester, Effect of preweaning disease on the reproductive performance and first-lactation milk production of heifers in a large dairy herd. J Dairy Sci, 2021. 104(6): p. 7008-7017.


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Eradicazione di M. hyopneumoniae nel suino: gli strumenti ci sono

I metodi storicamente impiegati per ridurre l’incidenza delle infezioni da M. hyopneumoniae non sembrano attualmente funzionare adeguatamente. I programmi di controllo per questo microrganismo si dividono in due macrocategorie: i programmi che prevedono l’eradicazione dell’agente patogeno e quelli che non la prevedono; a quest’ultima categoria appartengono le strategie che si basano su tre concetti: gestione, prevenzione e trattamento.


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