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La distocia nel bovino: come affrontarla



1. Ahmad N, Al-Eknah MM, Christie WB, et al. Dystocia and other disorders associated with parturition - general considerations. In: Noakes DE, Parkinson TJ, England GCW, et al, editors. Arthur’s veterinary reproduction and obstetrics. 8th edition. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2001. p. 205-17.

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3. Dobson, H., Tebble, J.E., Smith, R.F., Ward, W.R., 2001. Is stress really all that important? Theriogenology 55, 65-73.

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8. Mee, J.F., 2004. Managing the dairy cow at calving time. Veterinary Clinics of North America Food Animal Practice 20, 521-546.

9. Mee, J.F., Cromie, A., Berry, D.P., 2007. Risk factors for dystocia in Irish dairy herds. In: Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production.

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15. Rajala, P. J., and Y. T. Gröhn. 1998. Effects of dystocia, retained placenta, and metritis on milk yield in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 81:3172-3181.

16. Rice L.E. 1994. Dystocia-related risk factors. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract. 1994; 10(1): 53-68.

17. Schuenemann, G.M., I. Nieto, S. Bas, K.N. Galvão, and J. Workman. 2011. II. Dairy calving management: Effect of perineal hygiene scores on metritis. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 94:744 (E-Suppl. 1).

18. Schuenemann, G.M. 2012. Calving management in dairy herds: timing of intervention and stilbirth. Veterinary Preventive Medicine. The Ohio State University.

19. Simoes J., Stilwell G. Calving Management and Newborn Calf Care. Springer 2021.

20. Spire MF. 1990. Cow/calf production records: justification, gathering and interpretation. Proc Am Assoc Bov Pract 1990;23:93-5.

21. Thomsen, P.T., 2005. Loser cows in Danish herds. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference for Bovine Practitioners and Production Consultants, Nyborg, Denmark, 1-2 September. pp. 109-114.

22. Waldner CL. Cow attributes, herd management and environmental factors associated with the risk of calf death at or within 1h of birth and the risk of dystocia in cow-calf herds in Western Canada. Livest Sci 2014;163:126-39.



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